Blog 10: Write Yourself into the Future Part I

    Let's fast forward 20 years. The world looks like a much different place now, there have been drastic technological advancements, we have cut back on pollution, and everyone is in a much happier, less stressed state of mind. Remembering 20 years ago it became very clear that something must change in order to keep our world healthy. If we kept going on how we have been we would face many problems. Luckily we have changed our ways. It's the year 2042 and we have restored our world to a healthier state. Most of the cars seen today are electrical, not polluting our air as much. Solar power has become much more prevalent as scientists have figured out more intuitive ways solar panels can be used. Most houses and cars contain solar paneled windows. Select sidewalks around town are solar paneled roads all providing clean energy for the town. Laws have been passed putting in place regulations for the waste we produce. Due to all of these advancements, we as a society see the positive effects of our changes and we too have become more earth-conscious and normalized sustainability in our society. The world has now become a cleaner, happier, and healthier place. All it took was humans working together for the common good of the world in which we live. 


  1. Part 2:
    Gracie, Branch, and I met on Friday, November 11 from 12:00-12:30. In each of our stories, we imagined a more positive future. Many of the prevalent issues in today's society would be resolved and we as a whole would become more environmentally friendly. I thought about my story based on an article and Gracie thought of hers based on what she would like the future to look like and wrote about that. We all think that our stories are possible as long as people change for the better. Since all of our stories were about a more positive future we think that all aspects would be useful in society and make our world a better place. In order to get others to expand their imaginations they must become aware of issues in our world and have the desire to act on these issues. Maybe if we shared these stories of a more positive future people would be more inclined to take action in hopes of maintaining a future similar to these stories.


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